Sunday, February 10, 2008


I am a huge fan of Core. I was scared of it, and had no intention of trying it until Hubby suggested it... because the leader had mentioned that people are doing very well on it.

I love that I am being a great role model to my kids- they love to eat their veggies! They're learning what good foods are and how to eat healthy. They aren't asking "where are we going for dinner?" or "what's for dinner?", they're asking "what are you making for dinner?". While this isn't much different, it really is- they understand that mom is cooking dinner for them, and they know that it is going to be something healthy.

The Prince used the last of the jelly last week- he'd recently emptied both the reduced-sugar strawberry, and the regular grape jelly... so when we went to the store, he wanted to buy the "healthier kind" of both flavors. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a reduced-sugar grape in a squeeze bottle (I offered to buy the squeeze bottle of the full-sugar variety), and he decided that he'd rather just have the "healthier strawberry kind." Seriously folks, how cool is that?

Also, he had a friend over on Thursday... I served Baked Spaghetti for dinner, thinking that spaghetti would be good for the kids. The friend freaked out that it had "other stuff" on it- he just likes noodles, meatballs, and cheese. Prince said "it's got all of that, and yummy vegetables, too!" OMG. I don't know if I've ever been prouder. The friend ended up having PB & J.

But back to Core. Eating healthier... more of a lifestyle than Flex (who can count everything for the rest of their life, really?)... teaching my kids good habits... easier on my budget (less eating out, better planning). I HIGHLY recommend Core. I found this post that really backs me up- please read it, it's right-on.

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