Monday, February 25, 2008

Bulgur and a Latte

Have I mentioned that I'm out of my two favorite SF syrups? I am. It really upset me that Sam's has been out of Caramel and Vanilla for weeks... but a week or so ago I decided to branch out and try some of the other flavors that I had in my cupboard. I emptied the Egg Nog a couple of days ago (I love this flavor, but I've had to order it online because I can't find it anywhere locally!), am almost out of Chocolate, and have moved on to Kahlua (which I haven't liked in my coffee, even though I love the "real" thing). I tried the Kahlua yesterday and it was pretty good. I did realize that I'm losing my taste for sweet, so I decided to cut back on the syrup today- I used about 75% of what I usually use. It took a bit of getting used to, but I'll use that (smaller) amount for now, maybe cut back more eventually. It feels good to be cutting back on sweets and eating healthier.

I've been eating bulgur for breakfast for a little over a week and I really like it- I'm almost out of bulgur! I've found that I don't have to cook it on the stove, just soak it and cook it just before eating. I've been preparing it at night, in a storage container, with milk and SF syrup, and have been adding in some unsweetened cocoa powder (the kind for baking). In the morning, I microwave it until it's warm enough for me and stir... it's pretty tasty. ***Warning! This (especially when combined with coffee) is pretty tough on your insides and will have you spending more time than usual in the bathroom!***

Both are Core, and it really feels good to be on plan. I stayed on plan all day yesterday and did not use ANY of my WPAs! I chose to use some today for my lunch, but I still feel like I made a good choice and didn't use them for something outrageous like I've done in the past. Also, part of my problem in the last few weeks has been peanut butter- I love the crunchy kind so I don't buy it... but Hubby did, and I'd been eating it- but it's almost gone now, and the Prince will be upset if he knows his mom ate the last of it, so I'm staying away. Hooray, I'm on plan!

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