Sunday, February 24, 2008

Flex or Core?

So I've been spending a lot of time reading message boards the last few days... mainly the WW Core Board. I found a couple of great threads that discuss this topic and wanted to share them with you. My favorite post of all comes from the Bootcamp Buddies board and I think it is so well written that I'm not only giving you the link, I'm giving you the post!

These questions always concern me because there seems to be too much interest in losing weight more quickly. I think the bottom line is which plan is the plan that fits your lifestyle and will become your LIFESTYLE...

I have done ww off and on most of my life. I came back to ww in June 05, almost 46 years old and 14 lbs over goal. I started core then and haven't done anything else for even one day ever since and I will never eat any other way. I lost the 14 pounds in two months. Prior to this I felt like I couldn't lose ANY weight, no matter what I did.

Flex is not for me. I would not lose or maintain on it because it is just not the right plan for me. It is too difficult for me to stay on plan....Flex allows me to eat things that are triggers and make it more challenging for me to stay on plan.

Core has pretty much forced me to stop eating the things that are triggers (or I eat very small amounts of them)...Core totally feels like a lifestyle and one that I love.

I think it isn't about which one is good for losing or maintaining it is about which plan is the plan for YOU...of course one might be the right plan for you right now and the other might be the right plan for you at some other point in time. But that still means that it is about WHICH PLAN is the RIGHT plan for YOU, RIGHT NOW...which plan will you STICK to!!!

Personally, I think that flex works better for people who aren't as sensitive to simple carbs and who can handle eating more refined type foods...people who truly only need portion control and increased self monitoring...whereas core may be a better plan for those of us who have a biochemical reaction to things like simple carbs that makes it REALLY hard for us to stop eating them once we start...So we need to be nudged into eating more complex carbs, etc. and away from the simple carbs. I know for me that core has been "THE ANSWER" to my lifelong eating problems....Flex can be that for other people with a different set of problems (perhaps more related to just learning which foods are healthier, learning portion control, etc.)...

No one can tell someone else which plan will be best for them...and neither plan is "better" for losing vs. maintaining.

Those are my thoughts.

Click here for the thread that Lynn posted on

Click here for a great thread on the WW Core Board

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