Tuesday, April 7, 2009

30 Day Shred, Day 4

Day 3 was Friday and I only 'shredded' once. Totally ran out of time to do even the 10 additional minutes that I'd planned.


I'm a bartender! It was a FRIDAY! I worked HARD on Friday, for hours (I worked for 8 hours, probably burned pretty decent calories during at least 4 of them!). So I figure that I met my 30 minute workout goal on Friday. And again on Saturday, even though I didn't manage to shred at all- I still worked pretty hard behind the bar.

Sunday was a quieter day, along with Monday. I didn't shred either day, nor did I do any kind of physical activity worthy of calorie-burning praise. I spent several hours over the past two days sewing, catching up on 3 quilt blocks that I was very tardy in completing for the virtual quilting bee that I participate in. Not great weight-loss-wise, but VERY great "weight off my shoulders"-wise.

I have already completed the shred today, Level 2. Thank goodness for my TiVo and sitcom reruns... you wouldn't believe how much faster the workout seems to go when you're paying attention to the activity on the tv instead of listening to Jillian yell on the computer! (Even when we do get the DVD player hooked up again, I think I'm going to keep watching it on my computer- it helps that much!) I'm sure you're wondering if I'm really working as hard as I should if I'm paying attention to the TV instead of the Shred. I have done the shred the "right" way, on the TV, listening to Jillian's motivation... eh. I'm keeping up with Natalie and making sure to squeeze all that can be squeezed. I watch the computer screen just as much as I watch the TV screen, but my method seems to take away some of the ugh of the workout- and makes it go quicker!

I'm all set to head in and shred again today. Workout clothes still on, I haven't showered yet because I knew that I'd be doing it again... honestly planned on doing it twice today. (Even if I stink, it's only been about 1.5 hours since I finished; and I haven't left the house. I'll shower after this!) I'm just trying to decide which workout to do this time...

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