Monday, March 31, 2008


So March is almost gone and I really haven't said much this month... I'd planned on working hard at getting the rest of the way back to goal this month, weighing in by the end of the month, and being free.

Then I went to my final WI of February, and I was so mad when I left that it really affected my losing. I went off-plan and stayed off for a while. My house was in total disarray for a while due to the installation of 350 sq feet of hardwood flooring, and with that, my kitchen was buried and we did a lot of eating junk. Also, March is Shamrock Shake month at McDonald's. I absolutely adore Shamrock Shakes... I love love love them and I do not know when to stop. And there is a McDonald's roughly 2 blocks from my house.

I got back on schedule for our planned dinners, realizing how much more money we were spending by not planning ahead. I made Roni's whole wheat pizza dough and topped it with Core toppings.

I planned out a new menu, sticking to healthier-but-not-necessarily-Core entrees, and am halfway through that. Easter dinner wasn't totally Core, but was very point friendly (as both of my parents are on Flex). I didn't buy too much Easter candy, and while I did eat some, I didn't OD on it.

But then I got sick (again). All last week I was miserable, this week seems to be slightly better. I was eating roughly one meal per day and wasn't really hungry for more. My stomach shrank and my appetite did as well... I lost a good five pounds. All of my pants are too big, but my at-goal jeans from a year ago are still a bit too tight. (I tried them on this morning, hoping that just maybe today would be the day!)

I'm getting over this yucky bronchitis, but I don't want to destroy the progress I made towards goal... my self-control kicked in today and I am pleased to report that I did not give in to desire and stop for a fast-food shake or other treat. This week's menu is almost entirely Core, which should also aid in additional weight loss. That being said, I'll try to pop in here more often...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

still here, not doing so hot

I've been off plan since my last weigh in... have had a ton going on and haven't been on plan really at all.

I exercised all week last week, but then with everything else I didn't keep it up this week. The prince has spring break this coming week, so I'm not sure if I'll get it in then, either (I've been doing it during naptime).

I bought a regular hula-hoop at Target (I spent some time and found the biggest one there, it comes to about my waist), and I've been doing that for about 15 minutes a day. I also bought a workout DVD, but I haven't tried it yet- I'll let you know!