Monday, March 2, 2009

Measurements, Week 3

It's been about a week and a half since I've done my measurements, so I thought I'd do them again. Let's see how I'm doing...

waist- 36.5

hips- 39.25

thigh- 21.75

chest- 39

What Exactly am I Doing?

This Lenten fasting is going pretty well so far. A friend mentioned that the first 4 days of the fast are the hardest, and I think he was right. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, then not much lunch, and a nice dinner... now I'm not eating breakfast or lunch, just the dinner. I didn't notice much hunger until around 1 or so on Wednesday, then closer to 2 on Thursday, and even later over the weekend. My body seems to be adapting to my new schedule.

Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) we had dinner at church, just like every Wednesday. I was starving by the time we got there, and consumed about 1200 calories over dinner. I felt like a pig. My typical caloric consumption is between 1500-2200 calories per day, so 1200 all at once seemed like a lot.

I really wanted to track my consumption throughout Lent, and even cut back on my intake- I don't want to eat a full day's worth of calories and fat in one meal every day before bed. If I'm going to be doing this, I might as well make it worthwhile and lose some weight while I do it. I haven't counted calories before (ever!), but decided that I'd rather count calories than points during Lent. I downloaded a calorie tracker thing for my iPhone and have been tracking my "spending" that way. I've been very careful to eat healthier items, making sure that I stay within a weight-loss caloric range. I took the time and input the nutritional info for items that I tend to eat at the restaurant where I work, so I can easily track what I eat at work. Did you know that sauteed onions are only about 15 calories per ounce?

I don't want my metabolism to get all screwed up- I'd like to continue burning a decent number of calories each day (instead of it adjusting to the smaller number that I've been consuming!), so I'm using the yo-yo method: a couple of days of lower calories followed by a day of higher calories.

I know that this is not the healthiest way to lose weight. I am NOT advocating this for anyone else, just documenting what I am doing.

I have already noticed that some pants fit a bit looser than they did the last time I tried them on. In my opinion, this is progress- proof that I'm doing something right. It's only 40 days, I'm not planning to live like this forever.